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Exercise Is Health

Feb 28, 2024

Get Started With Muscle Activation Techniques® To Keep Your Body Feeling Strong & Mobile:

Is your body getting achier with each passing year?

One of the most common stories people tell themselves is their aches and pains are because they’re “just getting old”.

Maybe your back started tightening up in your 40s, or your knees started aching in your 50s, or your shoulders were constantly sore in your 60s…

While the “just getting old” story is common, it is not the truth, because even though your body gets older every year, it does not have to feel or function older.

On this week’s episode of the Exercise Is Health® podcast, we are diving into what the real issue is if you feel like your body is “just getting old” and what you can do about it

If you have ever felt tempted to blame your age for how your body feels, listen up!

This week’s episode will help you change that story once and for all.

Check it out for all the details!

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Follow us on Instagram for more exercise tips here: 

– Muscle Activation Schaumburg: @muscleactivationschaumburg 

– Julie Cates: @julcates 

– Charlie Cates: @charliecates